our family

our family

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two weeks to go

In less than three weeks my kids will all be done school - Gabe gets out early because his school day is longer, so he actually has more school than the other two, but when he is relaxing at home while Zach and Katy troop off to school I'm sure it won't feel that way. Time is so funny (as I wax poetical in my pajamas with my coffee,right? Rilla is already having her first nap (!) and John's at the gym, big kids are at school - what's not poetic about this!?) - when this school year started we still had Jake living here, we were not sure if we would be having a baby, and we were so nervous about Zach being in school all day. While there have been some difficult things with our children this year it has also been a year of tremendous growth and they seem much older to me. More than a year older. Will next year be the same? I'm not really ready for them to be so grown up; a year from now Katy will be graduating, and the boys will be done 2nd and 3rd grade, with Gabe headed to 4th which is frankly, just too dang old.
John will be almost 41.
I will be 28.
ok. Now I have gone from poetic to plain delusional.


  1. Um...28? You aren't fooling anyone. Least of all me, who was 19 with you! lol
