our family

our family

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First day of school!

Gabe and Zach made it off to fifth and fourth grade collectively this morning!! Hard to believe. As I was helping with Gabe's usual morning cowlick he said "wow, I'm almost as tall as you" and he was right (very much to my dismay). Zach kept commenting how his uniform made him look like a German schoolboy (visions of liederhosen fill the mind...) and wouldn't drop it until I reminded him Daddy has to wear scrubs to work as his uniform.
All was well, we were on target for a punctual departure- minus my make-up but who cares?- and then I discovered Rilla in the bathroom with a container of baby powder. 
There was a time that seeing my little girl covered head to toe in baby powder would have demanded a fresh change of clothing, a bath, or what have you; today I just said "don't you dare touch your brothers black pants!" while trying not to laugh at her cute gray hair, and went on my merry, first day of school way.


  1. So handsome! I hope they are liking their new school xo

  2. Look at Zach's "smolder" in the third photo! Love!
    Your boys look great!
