This morning after a nice couple hours of sleep we were out the door to spend the day at church, first for the AWANA grand prix, then choir practice for Katy, then lunch, handing out fliers for Easter, and finally a potluck; in the middle of all this, there were a couple of breaks so I would bundle the kids up and head outside to the playground, and the first time outside Gabe made a "discovery" (I believe he chose the terminology to downplay the event) - when he steps into giant mud puddles, he sinks up to his shins. So we made an unexpected trip home in order for him to change clothes. The sneakers found their home in the trash can, and the pants are still piled on the tile floor, waiting for me to be in the proper frame of mind to deal with them.
While we were driving around with Wendy and Ann to deliver fliers, Gabe was telling us about his "adventure" in second grade when they recently dressed up as pioneers and went outside to take a (pretend) trip on the Oregon Trail. He told us they made butter, and had hard-tack.
"You had a heart attack?!?!" his younger brother said in shock.
Gabe explained.
Overall they day went much more smoothly than I anticipated; not sure this has ever happened before.