our family

our family

Saturday, August 31, 2013

A weekend on the farm

A few weeks ago we met a wonderful family at church and have been getting to know them, and their farm (!) ever since. Being far from our family this Labor Day weekend we were able to help out here with their daughter and (much to the boys delight) their 300 chickens while they went away to a retreat with a couple lucky grandkids. Technically someone else was asked to come in and care for the poultry since I am in lots of new and unfamiliar territory with my responsibilities, but Zach takes his newfound love of all things poultry quite seriously so the poor substitute farmer is quite out of luck if he was hoping to help!
We are almost two nights into our three night stay, and things have gone so well that, although I am struggling to keep my eyes open, it will be with a sweet sigh of relief when I do finally drift off. The kids have been sooo good- Rilla brought a beautiful quilt she doesn't use and loves to make sure the pink side is up when positioned on the bed or wheelchair, an we all take turns getting smiles.
John is reading a school book and soon i will be joining all the other in slumberland.
The last picture here is one of the bunnies Zach has been watching today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


While most of the time it is easy to put on a brave face and be excited about finally being here, it is often an inner battle of choosing to be content, choosing to trust, fighting the self-doubt and the loneliness. 
Tonight, although I know I will win the war with these things, I am losing the battle. It's ok, this is a huge part of the life I am hoping to lead! But it takes getting used to, and growing pains imply pain for a reason. This night, I choose to remember that though I doubt, my Father never changes. That it is through my weakness, my very dependence on Him that He is able to work. 
I'm just so dang human!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


John and I started orientation yesterday, which means Rilla also started "school."
So far, super great!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Us Girls

It has been said that blood is thicker than water; I beg to differ.
While in my life and the lives of each one in my family there have been many wonderful and influential women that we are genetically linked to, in my immediate family right now we four girls (er... I use the term loosely!) are and always will be as close as any family but none of us share DNA.
My mom didn't "become" my mother until I was eight; Katy came into my life at the age of seven; Rilla was adopted at birth. Grandmother, mother, daughter, and baby girl-- each one of us in this family in a unique role, each loved by the other three as only family can love, and not a single drop of blood shared by any one of us.
Just goes to show you can't believe everything you hear. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nana is HERE!!!

OTuesday afternoon we had a quick and easy dinner before piling into the van for the drive to Detroit to fetch Nana. We were so excited as we waited outside the Southwest terminal that we jumped the gun a little and ran towards the first poor stranger that could have passed for Nana from 200 yards away!
Eventually we got her, though, and it's going to be hard to let her go!!
While nana was here we visited Zach's favorite pet shop, Gabe's favorite library, the Civil War muster at Cascades park, the Hands-on Museum in Ann Arbor and also Ben & Jerry's in Ann Arbor (now the boys have been to that particular chain of yummy, ice creamy goodness with nana in three states!). Nana came to Back to School night with us on Thursday and church this morning.
Bringing her to the airport was no fun and there were lots of tears but we are so blessed to have such a wonderful Nana to miss.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Nothin' much

Oh, Well, today we woke up to no hot water so that adds to the mid-August excitement;0).
Katy moved into her dorm for the most part and I am doing what I can to get my projects done before mom gets here.
The kids are engaged in a game of catch/chase/ whack each other in the face while I quickly write...
And John ran a total of 52 miles last week!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The countdown is on!!!

We started counting down yesterday...

She's 19!!!

Remember when being a year older was something to anticipate? 
Katy is 19 today!! 
And sadly has to work, which probably makes her feel very grown up, indeed.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Settling in

John told me today to make sure to keep posting, even if it seems like we don't have much going on. He had to work an overnight seventeen hour shift last night, so that made today's "day off" go by all too quickly. Our downstairs neighbor Josh kindly put the boys bikes together, and I moved Rilla out of 3T and into 4T- both things had been put off for far too long. We finished up back to school shopping which was a lot more expensive and detailed than usual since the boys will have (very strict!) uniforms at their charter school. Everyone was allowed to spend $1 of their allowance while we were out, which was definitely the highlight of the trip for the kids (the inventor of the the Dollar Store should rest well tonight knowing they bring such joy to children-). John did another long run tonight before dinner and is now out picking up a small cake for Katy who turns 19 tomorrow!!! One year ago I was bringing her to college, after hosting a tearful open house all day in Concord. 
Our van broke down for the second time yesterday - we never had an issue until we decided to move out here and put all our money toward school! ;0)
Gabe has been quite busy writing and illustrating stories  and both boys have enjoyed sharing "gaga ball", which they learned at camp, with the kids here at the BI, so they go outside often to play. Rilla has been playing  with her dolls more, and terrorizing our friend's 2 year old. 
Hopefully John will be home soon so I guess I had better fold this laundry...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy campers

FINALLY we picked the boys up on Friday! 
We can only assume things went well because when we ask questions like, "was it fun?" they say "yup."
Details, people!!
After taking one look at Gabe my mom radar went into hyperdrive and I unbelievingly asked him if he had neglected to brush his teeth all week. Oh, yeah. Guess he forgot. So off to the van to dig out the toothbrush that was still in its wrapper, for a quick parking lot brushing. 
Zach passed out on the way home.
Today was a church picnic which was super fun; the kids had their first (and second) speed boat rides on the lake.
Tonight we are watching some friends release five butterflies the kids have been watching this week.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Nature camp

What a huge blessing; while at a library function last week we heard about some available scholarships to a five day overnight nature camp in Howell. A little research, a couple phone calls and the boys filled out the applications which we mailed the next day. Thursday we got the exciting news - off to camp for both boys! So last night I packed them up and  this morning Rilla and I dropped them off, much to their joy and excitement. Rilla and I  are playing but she has already said she misses her boys and asked me to "pick them off" which I can only assume means she wants to see them, not the rather ominous meaning if the term.  Surprising myself, I have had a few moments of almost being in tears, which I would never have expected of myself. Maybe too much missing going on? Or the mama bear in me? Either way, Friday seems a long way off.