Every once in awhile I have a truly terrible idea. Unfortunately one came along a few weeks ago, and on a Saturday afternoon I decided to take John's electric razor to my poor sons. What prompted this ludicrous idea? you may wonder - at the park that day a little boy had a tick in his hair (horrors!) and it occurred to me that both of my boys sport luxurious heads of hair that would perfectly hide any little critters that may wander in. We got home, and POOF! my inspiration was in full bloom - I'll just shave their heads! Nevermind that I have sworn for eight years that I would NEVER EVER shave their heads. Nevermind that I have never shaved a single solitary head. Nevermind that we don't have a haircutting razor.
What I imagined to be a twenty minute truimph of hair wizardry turned into a four hour ordeal of crying, begging, recharging the razor, trying to speed things up with scizzors, and hair everywhere. Everywhere. After the first swoop on poor Gabe's head I realized the razor was on the lowest setting (i.e. BALD), so I quickly readjusted but until recently there was definitely one two inch path up the right side of his head that was just a little too close.
In the end, I redeemed myself in the boys eyes by saying "Boy, this was a really stupid idea/"
At our house we don't say stupid, so they took great joy in reminding me for days and days that I found myself to be rather stupid, and sadly, I couldn't disagree.