our family

our family

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birthday Week 2012

As I write this, both of my boys are 8 years old. That will change on Monday, of course, when Gabe will reach the ripe old age of 9. This week has been full of birthday activity - cupcakes and small gifts for Zach on Wednesday (his actual birthday), going out for lobster with Daddy on Thursday and Zach receiving his gift (a wooden runner sled from L.L.Bean), having some family and friends over for pizza, cake and ice cream on Friday, then heading to a late (7:20!) movie with Daddy at the "cheap" theater, and finally on Monday Gabe will get what he wished for - birthday money to spend as he chooses, so he and his best friend Gavin can  go shopping.
Phew. Good thing we get all of the family birthdays out of the way in the second half of the year - no more now until July, when it starts all over again!
In other news, Rilla says "I love you" now, so the whole family is always angling to hear those words come out of her mouth, and she also likes to color!
Katy is finishing up her very last midterms of her highschool career - mostly easy, like making a sandwich in Basic Foods class!
Finally getting a little snow.
Anticipated for months, the lobster sadly left a little to be desired  for the boys.

Yep, this kid could spend his life playing video games if I let him.


Normally she loves to color, but the camera causes a dilemma of where to look. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthdays to the boys!!! I miss you guys! Tell me, what does lobster taste like? I have never had.
