our family

our family

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Self-reflection, self-indulgence, self deprecation

This week... Seriously.
It started with our bank in town being sold so I now have to drive 45 minutes to deposit or cash a check, the car battery dying while John showed up at the wrong building for his work physical, me hand making (kitchen-aid... I can almost see you ...) 3! loaves of bread and forgetting the salt, then forgetting the towels for swimming lessons (chilly AND wet) to later in the week Rilla learning how to lock the bathroom door and proceeding to do so as she walked out of the bathroom ("Hello? Mr. Maintenance Man?") et cetera et cetera. 
I decided to give myself a coconut oil treatment since its free and I am more than a little frazzled.
As my afternoon wore on, I wondered what it says about me that I made coffee to "enjoy" while I did my hair (in between flying Spider-Man darts and documentaries, snacks and diaper changes) but then kept having to re-heat the coffee because I was never close enough to it to remember to drink it...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pitching in

With our new schedule etc., it became clear that it is time for the kids to begin learning some new skills around the house; this weeks endeavor is learning how to do the dinner dishes. While the enthusiasm has been somewhat lacking (Gabe threatened to throw up when confronted with the pan the chicken was cooked in) they have done a great job. Katy has had some extra time around the house so she did Rilla's tubby tonight while the boys and I tackled the kitchen.

No media?!?!

It's amazing how "no media" brings out the creative side of the kids--
They built a nest in our bed this morning and I caught them at the one and only quiet, peaceful moment of the whole thing-

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fright night!!

The library was hosting "fright night" tonight, which is right up the boys' alley! John took them for awhile so I had Rilla duty, which right now consists of laying down and listening to an audio version of "The Hobbit " until she falls asleep.
Katy started at TJ Maxx today; her other job has very few hours so she is hoping to be closer to 35 between two jobs until school starts.
I finally got up at 5 this morning to run so I am pooped and am signing off...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Workin' man...

John started his new job this week at Jackson County medical facility- lots of training and computer modules, but after just yesterday (which was pretty much filling out paperwork) they decided to put him on the floor today before his orientation! Now THAT  is a vote of confidence! 
One more adjustment, as I begin to function as the full time at home parent, which will only increase in another month when classes start. It's all working out so nicely, but with plenty of stretching and growing room, so it feels like a commitment and a huge change, but manageable as God gives us one hurdle to jump at a time. 
 Now to figure out how to get those runs in - I finally did a three mile run outside two days ago, but it's very hit or miss for me. 
Missing family and friends.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Off to church

So we heard about Hinkley's doughnuts in downtown Jackson, but sadly it isn't open on Sundays so our weekly ritual of doughnuts on he way to church will have to be commercial. Ah well. Like I always say, any doughnut is a doughnut I want to meet!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Zach started his first pet-sitting job today for a staff family; Buddy the turtle will be getting lots of TLC!!

Portage lake

Michigan is home to hundreds of lakes, many of them found close by; we have been enjoying them during this heat wave, that's for sure!
Today we joined two other families from here at school and met at the lake around 9:30, each family contributing to an outdoor picnic. The boys were in the lake for the four hours we were there, only surfacing to eat and roast marshmallows, and Rilla spent most of her time in the water too. One of the moms sent me two pictures via text, and when Rilla saw them she said "me no share" and shook her head. You see what she means:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sweaty little girl!

Despite the 105 degree heat index, she insists on her favorite blanket and her toddler size down comforter! I peel them off once she is asleep. And now off for a swim (in the warm warm water) !

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Robins

Zach discovered a nest of baby robins a few days ago so he has been monitoring their progress and the rest of us have gotten interested as well. John and Rilla saw the babies eating from their daddy, Zach saw one this morning who made it out of the nest but then wasn't sure what to do, and we have all enjoyed seeing how protective Mr. And Mrs. Robin are of their brood. 

Monday, July 15, 2013


Sunday was a quiet, somewhat tough day this week; there are growing pains and adjustments going on for all of us, as we settle in, miss our family, our friends, our old schedules, and as John and Katy both look to working out new schedules. Change is always an "opportunity" - John has noticed lately how often that word is used in certain contexts, but like I always say :0), things become cliche because they are true.
Church was a positive experience, with a great Sunday school class and some very friendly people. Gabe and Zach loved children's church, and with Gabe especially missing his home and his buddy that was a good thing.
Today John heads out to do paperwork, drug testing etc somewhere near Detroit, so I am up early to run and have a couple minutes of quiet time (with two kids).

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gettin' our crunchy on...

Saturday often means farmer's market, and this morning that's what we did. I have been inspired lately to try my hand at baking bread, in hopes of one day owning the ever-elusive but much sought after kitchenaid mixer. Maybe my rationale is that if I am already baking bread it will be the logical next step.
Either way, today John got in on the fun and made protein bars  from scratch, and I experimented with what is obviously going to be the first of many tries at homemade organic bubble bath. Tonight we went to the some friends for ice cream and swimming, and Zach was asked to turtle- sit next week for them while they are on vacation... He is on cloud nine!

Friday night at the lake

Well, two blocks down the road there is a little Caesars that does $5 pizza... So instead of baking the whole wheat organic pizza I had planned, we ordered out and drove to Vandercook lake! After a picnic of pizza, raspberries and limeade, it was into the water for the Godsey family; everything was going along just swimmingly (!) when Zach popped out of the water next to me and plopped a giant wad of lake bottom swampy goo onto my head. 
Not relaxing.
And I just washed my hair at two this afternoon.
One never thinks to make a rule about no swamp scum in Mom's hair- obviously from now on I will know better!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


This morning Gabe the Magnificent helped out during the magic show we caught at the library; as he loves being on center stage (in his defense it's in his genes, he really can't help himself!) he totally hammed it up.  
Afterwards we checked out the Thursday farmer's market across he street, and I was inspired to bake bread this afternoon. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monkeying Around

This morning Tamara called and said she had some coupons for $1 admission to the zoo in Lansing she couldn't use; did I want them? After quickly checking with John, I said YES!
We spent two very nice hours at the zoo, enjoying the lizards and goats and big cats the most. I packed a lunch and we are home in time for Rilla to nap! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

At the library

Jackson has a wonderful library system- 13 branches I think, many of them quite close by. We got our card on Sunday and today went to hear a couple from Australia share about aborigines, didgeridoos, and art from Down Under. It was great!
Then off the park to stretch and have lunch, and some nice phone calls to NH. 
Ahh,Katy took the kids out so I could finish dinner but I hear thunder....

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy birthday John!!

Today we celebrated John turning 42, Michigan style! For us right now that means everything took longer than I thought it would, was hotter than usual and in the end turned out just fine. (We did finally get the air conditioner installed in the living room so Katy, at least, will be cooler!) Today I picked up a little grill (after googling "how to light a charcoal grill" and happily feeling confident we could handle it; I should have googled "how to build a charcoal grill", because unfortunately $20 at Big Lots doesn't buy you an assembled grill... Not the highlight of Johns day, but definitely two hours well spent towards future grilling--)
Things are settling in for us a bit, although with the holiday weekend, a birthday to celebrate and still waiting for Johns job to begin, things still seem very unfamiliar. It is a time when I am glad we base out decisions on Who God is, and what we see in the Bible,rather than on our emotions or we would run home to all our familiar lived ones.
Some pictures of our new life here and our celebration of John: