our family

our family

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bountiful gifts

One of the most difficult parts of our recent move was how much we had to almost stand by and watch our kids deal with all  the changes our choices brought about; over and over I have seen God reach down and provide opportunities or gifts to the kids that were uppermost on their minds and hearts, things we are not in a position to provide right now. Full scholarships to nature camp, a 10 gallon turtle tank, a turtle (!), a trumpet for band, help with a BIG field trip, pumpkins for carving and today, a wonderful old-fashioned typewriter for our budding author. There are so many more things I could add to this list but these are the things I could call to mind in ten seconds or less. Tonight we ate dinner with yummy potatoes from a nice lady at church and had bread I made with my new $10 bread maker from the goodwill; apple butter bread because we have a humongous load of apple butter we were given and I have no idea what to do with! Good thing the bread is delicious...
What I love about all of this is that none of it's truly important, meaning critical to our lives. But it's all intensely personal, which is what makes me love Jesus more each day as I see Him teaching us to change, to trust Him on this journey.

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