our family

our family

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Treat night

Our local church did a neighborhood outreach tonight called "treat night" and it was planned to run from 6-8; when we left at 7:40 over six hundred people had come through the doors! As always they did a marvelous job appealing to the kids with games, cotton candy machines, balloon animals, face painting, popcorn, and lots of love directed at each person there.
My ragtag group of kids included (much to NOBODY'S surprise) Indiana Jones, Bigfoot, and Dorothy... 
Once my little sugar monsters were safely tucked in I made sure to "check the candy" ie: get some of the good stuff while the gettin' was good! I guess my diet took the day off-?
I blame it on the newest baby in our lives - my friends headed to the hospital around 12:30 this morning so I was up getting their 2 yr old settled on our futon for the rest of the night- happily a beautiful baby girl was born one hour later! (Also, happily, at the hospital and not in my living room! That was cutting it close!)
Now I just need to get John at work and then while he is doing homework (right?! It's already 10:30!) I will sneak I to bed-

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