our family

our family

Sunday, January 26, 2014


This morning our church met with six other churches from town at the Jackson High Auditorium for a giant service. The goal was just to promote the idea that we are all headed the same way and should be working together to bring about positive change in Jackson. Despite the itty-bitty teenager sized chairs that could hardly be expected to contain children, jackets, snacks, Bibles, books, toys and people, and then me carelessly leaving my husband behind as I gave myself the proverbial pat on the back for getting out of the parking lot so quickly (in my defense he went early to "valet" cars for the elderly so I assumed he had the same ride home...) it was a grand experience. No doubt the lovely folk who inadvertently sat next to our noisy bunch all sang songs of praise on the way home in their quiet, peaceful vehicles, glad their child rearing days are behind them; but ours are in full swing and I am determined to enjoy each chaotic day.

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