our family

our family

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doughnut Lovers Unite

On Wedesdays our family heads to church - the boys have AWANA, which they love (Gabe just got his new t-shirt for "truth and training" and is SOOOO proud!), and John and I lead youth alpha, which Katy attends.  Tonight the boys dressed up for costume night; Gabe was Indiana Jones like he is every year, and Zach was a cowboy, wearing the vest Nana made and Uncle John's very old and very dilapidated hat.

One of the games we played with the teens tonight was the classic doughnut on a string, which of course resulted in lots of doughnut pieces littering the floor and ending up in the trash bin. The night ended and my children were rounded up to wait in our room as we cleaned up, vacuuming and putting away chairs and emptying the trash can.  As I headed over to complete the last task I noticed Zach reaching into the trash bag - and he pulled out a doughnut, planning to eat it without any second thoughts.
"Put that down!!!" I grabbed for it, but he held it up, trying to take a bite. "That's trash!"
"No," he said, "its a doughnut, and I'm attracted to it."
"Well, its trash now, so please put it back."
"Mom, I am attracted to doughnuts," he said calmly, his giant cowboy hat slipping down so I could only see one big brown eye blinking at me. "I can't help it. I have a Swedish tooth."