our family

our family

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday at Nana's

Often on Saturdays I pack up the kids and head over to mom and dad's.  The snow is piled far above the boys heads in many places, and the amount of work it takes for them to simply walk across the yard assures me of a long night's sleep ahead. Rilla has snuggled into Nana, wrapped in the whisper-soft blanket Nana had begun to crochet for her before we knew there was a baby on the way, and we just navigated the portrait studio web site to purchase extra photos at a ridiculous price. ("Well worth it," says Mom.)
This is the day of the week that I feel is a perfect catch 22; going out or staying in, I'm never sure what to do. So I usually end up here.
Wednesday is the court hearing for John and I - we will sign the adoption petition with our lawyer present, in front of the judge. My understanding is that this is the only time we will actually go to court, that the adoption will magically be finalized six months after the parental surrender was signed.  That day is either May 22 or May 6, we aren't exactly sure, since like us the birthmother signed once with her lawyer and once in front of the judge.   I wonder how long it will take for "adopted" to stop being an everyday word in my life?
Zach and Gabe are back inside, waiting for the hot chocolate that is the automatic ending to every snowy encounter. The Shrek bandaid on Zach's ear from where Duchess scratched him this morning is glaring at me, apparently hungry for a chocolaty treat as well.

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